Pyrus Communis (Pear) Fruit Extract



Pyrus Communis (Pear) Fruit Extract at a glance

  • Fruit from the common pear tree
  • Has antioxidant properties
  • Also contains skin-brightening arbutin
  • Used in a blend to replace regular water

Pyrus Communis (Pear) Fruit Extract description

_Pyrus communis_ (pear) fruit extract is derived from the fruit of the cultivated common pear plant. As with most plant derived ingredients, _Pyrus communis_ fruit’s anti-aging benefits are because of its antioxidant properties, allowing it to scavenge pro-aging free radicals. Research finds that pear fruit has many bioactive compounds, including flavonoids, triterpenoids, and phenolic acids, including arbutin, best known for its ability to improve the appearance of dark spots on skin. While more in-depth study is needed on the impact of pear fruit applied topically, what is available so far is promising. Recommended use levels of _Pyrus communis_ (pear) fruit extract is 10–80%; however, keep in mind this is when the extract is in a water-based blend where the water is the main ingredient in a cosmetic. As such, the actual amount of pear fruit you’re getting is much lower, but still effective.

Pyrus Communis (Pear) Fruit Extract references

  • Scientific Reports, October 2021, pages 1-17
  • BMC Complementary Medicines and Therapies, September 2021, pages 1-14
  • Molecules, September 2020, pages 1-18
  • Pakistan Journal of Pharmeceutical Sciences, January 2019, pages 293-300

Peer-reviewed, substantiated scientific research is used to assess ingredients in this dictionary. Regulations regarding constraints, permitted concentration levels and availability vary by country and region.

Ingredient ratings


Proven and supported by independent studies. Outstanding active ingredient for most skin types or concerns.


Necessary to improve a formula's texture, stability, or penetration.


Generally non-irritating but may have aesthetic, stability, or other issues that limit its usefulness.


There is a likelihood of irritation. Risk increases when combined with other problematic ingredients.


May cause irritation, inflammation, dryness, etc. May offer benefit in some capability but overall, proven to do more harm than good.


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