
What is your product guarantee?

If you are not satisfied with any Paula's Choice product, for any reason, you can return it to us within 60 days of date of purchase and we will happily refund the purchase price (not including shipping), provided the product is unopened.

In case you are not satisfied with any Paula’s Choice product that has been opened, you can also return this product at your cost. Please note that you may not receive a full refund in cases where the product has been used beyond what is deemed reasonable to trial the product. For example, a product that is empty or almost empty. This also applies to a product that has been damaged after you have received it.

How do I return an order?

  • Before returning a product, please contact our customer care team to request a return,
  • It is not possible to exchange products
  • If you return a product without informing us, it may result in us being unable to process your return.
  • Please mention your order number, the item you want to return and the reason.
  • Please pack the item(s) securely and include the invoice or packaging slip. If these are not available any longer, then please do not forget to mention your order number and name on a separate piece of paper. 
  • Please note that we don’t include return labels with orders. When you contact customer care, they will arrange a collection with our courier service provider.
  • You will need to obtain a proof of postage receipt when you send your item to us. Proof of postage does not cost anything but without it we may not be able to process your refund or replacement in the rare event that your item is lost in transit.
  • Please note that we only accept the proof of postage (showing the tracking and/or return address). The proof of purchase of your return is not a valid proof of postage.
  • If you had received a free gift/product upon ordering during one of our promotional offers and would like to return your whole order, then you would also need to return the free gift/product back to us with the rest of your order for us to process your refund. Should you return your whole order, but keep the free gift/product, then the value price of the free gift/product will be deducted from the refund of the rest of your order.
  • Refunds are processed to the card/method of payment that was used in the original order.
  • Empty bottles/tubes of products cannot be accepted.
  • Returns that exceed the 60 day guarantee period cannot be accepted.
  • We do not accept returns from orders placed via a reseller

More about our return policy in the General Terms and Conditions

How do I cancel an order?

Your right to dissolve an agreement for the sale of products, entered into through this Site, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU on Consumer rights and any implementation thereof in national legislation, can only be exercised under the following conditions:

  • you must notify Paula’s Choice by e-mail or letter within 14 days after you have received the parcel containing the products, stating that you wish to exercise this right;
  • after having sent the notification as mentioned in paragraph 1, you must without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days, return, at your cost, the parcel to the address as indicated by Paula’s Choice in the instructions you have received from Paula’s Choice by e-mail after your notification is processed;
  • after Paula’s Choice has received the cancellation notice, Paula’s Choice will refund within 14 days the purchase price, including standard postage costs and excluding any applicable taxes and duties other than VAT.

More about our cancel policy in the General Terms and Conditions

How can I file a complaint?

If you have a complaint about a product or service, please contact our customer care team via the contact page on the website, or at You will receive an answer as quickly as possible. Usually, this will be within a day, but ultimately within 14 days after the day that your complaint was received. Should the processing of your complaint need longer than this, you will receive within the period of 14 days a confirmation of receipt and an indication of when you can expect a full answer.